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The Trust’s Hepatology Service provides a local, friendly, and patient-focused service for our patient population.
Our service is part of a larger network of trusts within Kent and London that work together to provide a seamless service for our patients. The service is involved with clinical research both at a local and national level.
Our speciality liver team work closely with our partners within the hospital and have formed strong collaborative relationships with our community partners.
The patient is at the heart of what we do and we appreciate all types of feedback to enable us to improve our service.
Current service provision:
- Hepatitis C treatment
- Hepatitis B management
- Management of autoimmune hepatitis
- Management of PBC/PSC
- Management of genetic liver disorders
- Management of fatty liver disease
- Management of liver cirrhosis patients
- Alcohol related liver disease
- Portal vein thrombosis
- Budd-chiari syndrome
- Benign and malignant liver tumours.
Available procedures:
- Non-invasive liver elastography (fibro scan)
- Non-invasive spleen measurement
- Ultra sound/CT/MRCP/ERCP
- Liver biopsy
- Oesophageal Variceal surveillance (endoscopy)
- Ambulatory paracentesis
You can be referred to our service by your GP, hospital doctor, other healthcare professionals and key workers from local drug and alcohol services. Each referral we receive will be reviewed as quickly as possible to ensure that you can be offered appropriate treatment options.
Our vision for the future
We are now accredited at level 1 for Improving Quality in Liver Services (IQILS) programme and are working towards level 2. We have now set up a clinic in Sittingbourne to provide a service local to our patient population.
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Information for visitors

Your guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments