Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Purple Zone
Level 3
Call: 01634 833967
General High Dependency Unit (HDU)
Green Zone
Level 3
Call: 01634 835045
Whether you are visiting this page because you or a loved one is in critical care, or you are just browsing, we hope you find the information helps to answer many of your questions and relieve some of the anxiety you may be feeling during this worrying and difficult time.
Our critical care department consists of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), a General High Dependency Unit (GHDU) and an Enhanced Care Unit (ECU) which is split across three separate units.
ICU is a nine-bedded unit and our HDU is a 10-bedded unit. Together the units treat approximately 1,300 patients a year with a variety of medical and surgical conditions.
ECU is an intermediate level of care for elective post-operative patients, where a higher level of observation, monitoring and interventions can be provided than on a general ward. Following a clinical assessment at the pre-assessment clinic prior to attending hospital, the anaesthetist will decide which patients would benefit from an enhanced level of care after surgery.
The critical care units are run by an experienced group of anaesthetic consultants, doctors, Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs), nurses, therapists, clinical and non-clinical support staff.

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