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Congratulations! You're pregnant

The iconic clocktower at Medway Maritime Hospital with the sky behind it
A mum smiles and cuddles her newborn baby

Thank you for choosing to have your baby at Medway. You now have two options. You can arrange your booking appointment by phone or by using our online self-referral form below.

If you need help completing the form or need an interpreter, please contact us.

Your personal details

Your contact details

Your GP's details

About you

Will you require an interpreter? *
Do you have Type 1 diabetes? *
Do you have Type 2 diabetes? *
Are you or your family receiving any support from the following professionals? (tick all that applies)
Do you smoke? *

Travelling to appointments

Do you drive and have access to a car? *

About this pregnancy

Have you had a baby before? *
Have you had a baby before delivered via caesarean section? *
Would you consider having a home birth? *
Would you like more information about home birth? *

Your partner's details

Father of your baby

Is the father of the baby the same as your partner? *

Emergency contact

Medway Maternity PHR

Support during your pregnancy

A smiling obstetrician carries out an ultrasound on a pregnant woman