Call: 07799 348608 – available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you have an ongoing concern about the clinical condition of yourself, or your loved one, despite raising your concerns with the nurse in charge or doctor, then please contact our Call 4 Concern service.
Call 4 Concern is a dedicated number that inpatients staying at Medway Maritime Hospital, and their friends and family, can call 24/7 for immediate help and advice, directly from a member of the Trust’s Acute Response Team.
As part of our commitment to providing safe, compassionate and joined up care to all of our patients, we have adopted Call 4 Concern (C4C).
The Trust already has robust systems and processes in place to detect when a patient’s condition worsens but Call 4 Concern is another layer of reassurance for patients and families as part of our commitment to provide safe, compassionate and joined up care.
Contact Call 4 Concern directly on 07799 348608
We recognise that sometimes patients, relatives and carers can tell when something is wrong.
You can use Call 4 Concern if:
- You are a patient and have concerns about your clinical condition
- You are a relative and have concerns about a hospital patient’s clinical condition
- You have noticed a change or decline in your/their clinical condition and you feel that the ward team have not addressed your concerns
You should only call after you have spoken with the nurse in charge or doctor responsible for the patient.
When the Acute Response Team receive your Call 4 Concern call, they will need to know the patient’s name and the ward they are on, as well as brief description of the problem.
After prioritising the urgency of the problem, a member of the team will visit the patient on the ward to discuss your concerns and assess the situation.
A note of the C4C intervention will be logged in the patient’s notes summarising the concern raised and the actions taken.
Using this service will not have a negative impact on your care/the care of your loved one in any way.
Your call is important
There may be times when the C4C team cannot answer your call immediately, as the team may already be assessing another patient. In this instance, please wait for a short period and call the team back.
Please do NOT make a Call 4 Concern if wish to discuss problems with any of the following:
- Parking
- Visiting times
- Hospital food
- Hospital cleanliness
- Complaints
- Any other general issues
These queries can be discussed with the patient advice and liaison service (PALS).
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