Audiology Department
Outpatient Area 6
Green Zone
Level 2
Call: 01634 825041
Our Adult Audiology department performs diagnostic assessments and rehabilitation for patients with hearing difficulties, tinnitus and balance problems.
Although we are based at Medway Maritime Hospital, we cover a wide area and have clinics at other hospitals in Kent.
As well as performing hearing aid assessments and reassessments at GP request, we also provide a range of diagnostic assessments and rehabilitation services.
The audiology team consists of:
- Hearing Therapist
- Senior Audiologists
- Audiologists
- Head of Audiology
- Clinical Chief Audiologist
- Associate Audiology Practitioners
- Senior Assistant Audiologists
- Assistant Audiologist
- Audiology Co-ordinator
- Receptionists.

Faulty hearing aids
Medway NHS Foundation Trust adult hearing aid users can drop off faulty devices to us at Medway Maritime Hospital. Please take them to the Volunteers Desk, which is located in the main entrance, between 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.
You can also drop them off at the Sittingbourne Memorial Hospital.
Please place your aid in an envelope for the attention of Medway Audiology. Inside please provide your full contact details; name, address, phone number and email address along with a description of the fault.
Audiology staff will collect from these sites at least twice a week. You will be contacted when these are ready for collection.
Patients requiring batteries should send a stamped addressed envelope directly to the audiology department.
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