Researchers at Medway Maritime Hospital are offering screening to identify if children aged three to 13 years old are at risk of developing type 1 diabetes, as part of a national research study.
More than 300 children have been recruited by the hospital into the ELSA (EarLy Surveillance for Autoimmune diabetes) study since 2023, the largest research project of its kind in the UK.
Type 1 diabetes is a condition where the body cannot make a hormone called insulin. This causes the level of glucose sugar in the blood to get too high.
Laura Adams, Senior Clinical Research Nurse, Medway NHS Foundation Trust said: “Taking part is very quick and easy. Children are given a simple finger stick blood test to find out their risk of developing type 1 diabetes in the future.
“Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong and serious condition and results from the study will give us the opportunity to test new treatments that could delay the start of the condition.”

Five-year-old Riley, and three-year-old Cory are two of the children taking part in the study.
Riley said: “It didn’t really hurt, it just stung a little bit and I got a sticker, which was great.”
Mum Amy said: “My husband is a Type 1 diabetic, so we have been wanting to get Riley and Cory tested to see if they are at risk of the disease so seeing the clinics advertised at the hospital was perfect timing.
“We have had Riley’s results back already, showing there are no problems which is very reassuring.”
Dr Mhd Iyad Ramadan, the hospital’s Principal Investigator for the study said: “By testing for antibodies—protein markers found in the blood—we can assess the risk of developing type 1 diabetes.
“As the number of antibodies a child has increases, so does their risk of developing type 1 diabetes in the future, so a child with two antibodies will have a 75 per cent chance of showing symptoms within the next 10 years.
“To date the ELSA study has recruited 20,000 children across the UK.”
To help children, aged three to 13 years old, in Medway take part in the study, the hospital’s Research and Innovation Team is running clinics in April during the Easter holidays, which will take place in the Magpie Outpatients Centre, Medway Maritime Hospital on the following dates:
- Monday 7 April 1pm to 5pm
- Thursday 10 April 1pm to 5pm
- Monday 14 April 10am to 5pm
- Thursday 17 April 10am to 5pm
The clinics can be booked in advance through Laura Adams, Senior Clinical Research Nurse on 01634 976750 or
Consent should be completed before the appointment through the ELSA website.
Information sheets for parents and children explaining the study are also available to download.
Research is vitally important here at Medway. Since 1 April 2024 we have taken part in 54 research studies which has resulted in recruiting 5231 people.
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