Patients, stakeholders and Trust members were able to see our new pharmacy robot in action at a special event at the hospital on Friday 10 May.
As part of a launch event for the Trust’s Clinical Strategy 2024-2027, groups of visitors were able to go behind the scenes and see how the robot supports dispensing of medicines.
This is an example of how we are embracing innovation and new technology to transform healthcare services, a theme at the heart of the strategy, alongside promoting healthy lifestyles and prevention of long term conditions.
The event launched the strategy to the public, with more than 60 people attending and 30 visiting our Pharmacy department.
Visitors were also able to learn about advances in robotic surgery, presented by Faisal Ghumman, Consultant Urological Surgeon and Clinical Director for Surgical Services. The Trust will be one of the first to offer gynaecological robotic surgery.
Alison Davis, Chief Medical Officer, said: “We were delighted to welcome so many people, and it was a it was a particularly heartfelt moment when a member of the public stood up to personally thank Mr Ghumman and his team for operating to remove a kidney tumour.
“Our event was designed to bring our Clinical Strategy to life and to share our aspirations for the next three, five and 10 years. Feedback from Trust members earlier this year told us they would like the opportunity to visit departments not ordinarily open to the public, and the event was designed with this in mind.”
Visitors were also able to visits stands from services which support our Clinical Strategy aims. These were Patient First (our improvement programme); Tobacco Dependency, Research and Innovation, Day Surgery, Interventional Radiology and our therapy dogs. We also welcomed partners from Medway Council’s A Better Medway team.