Freedom of Information Request ID
Date of response
February 2025
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, could you please provide me with the following information in relation to temporary agency staffing.
1. Does your organisation engage a Neutral Vend or Master Vend agency supplier for:
a. Medical No
i. Name of the NV or MV agency supplier N/A
ii. Expiry date of contract with the NV or MV agency supplier? N/A
b. Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) No
i. Name of the NV or MV agency supplier N/A
ii. Expiry date of contract with the NV or MV agency supplier N/A
c. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical (NMNC) No
i. Name of the NV or MV agency supplier N/A
ii. Expiry date of contract with the NV or MV agency supplier N/A
d. Nursing No
i. Name of the NV or MV agency supplier N/A
ii. Expiry date of contract with the NV or MV agency supplier N/A
2. Does your organisation utilise a Direct Engagement (DE) supplier for:
a. Medical
i. Name of the DE provider Liaison
ii. Expiry date of contract with the DE provider 13/07/2025
iii. % of DE currently achieved 100%
b. Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
i. Name of the DE provider Liaison
ii. Expiry date of contract with the DE provider 13/07/2025
iii. % of DE currently achieved 100%
c. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical (NMNC)
i. Name of the DE provider N/A
ii. Expiry date of contract with the DE provider N/A
iii. % of DE currently achieved N/A
3. For the most recent Financial Year you have available please can you supply the spend figures on temporary agency staffing (worker pay & agency commission only) for:
a. Medical – 2023/24 Medical: £2,703,265.91
b. Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) – 2023/24 AHPs and Health Science: £881,656.48
c. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical (NMNC) – 2023/24 – £391,427.25
d. Nursing – 2023/24 Nursing & Midwifery: £3,210,368.30
4. For the most recent Financial Year you have available please can you supply the number of hours worked by temporary agency workers for:
a. Medical – 20,583
b. Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) – 22, 852
c. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical (NMNC) – 9,838
d. Nursing – 87,570
6. Where a contract is in place for the provision of a Neutral Vend, Master Vend and/or a Direct Engagement supplier, please can you advise who the lead contact or responsible officer within the organisation is for this contract? Procurement Services –
7. Alternatively please can you advise who is responsible for temporary agency staffing at the organisation across the following departments: All agency bookings are managed via HR. The Trust do not allow any agencies to communicate directly with any departments, all contact is via the Trust Temporary Resourcing Service who are contactable via email at:
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