Freedom of Information Request ID
Date of response
December 2024
- How many hours were worked by temporary staff within Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and Health Science Services (HSS) between (Jan 2024 and December 2024)
- Can you provide a breakdown of the hours worked by temporary staff within each of the divisions/departments under AHP/HSS?
- Do you have a Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor to source AHP/HSS agency staff? If so, who is that contract with and when does it end?
- Who, within the Trust, is responsible for managing that contract and what is their job title?
- Which agency is the largest supplier of AHP/HSS agency staff to the Trust?
- Do you currently use an Insourcing provider for any of your AHP / HSS services and if so for what services and who oversees this contract
FOI Requests
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides people with a right of access to a wide range of information held by public authorities, including the NHS.
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