Freedom of Information Request ID
Date of response
December 2024
Please can I request the following information for the time period April 2023 to March 2024.
1a. How many ECV procedures were carried out? 48
1b. And how many of these were successful? 31 – success defined by success at the point of ECV
2. How many breech births took place? 192 registrable births where the presenting part of at least one baby was known to be breech
3. What was the total number of births that took place? 4,538 registrable births
4. Of those breech births, how many were delivered vaginally? 17 – includes assisted and unassisted vaginal births
5. Of those breech births , how many ended in emergency c-sections? 77
6. Of those breech births, how many were elective c-sections? 98
FOI Requests
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