Freedom of Information Request ID
Date of response
October 2024
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information regarding the number of nurses and healthcare assistants employed at each hospital within your Trust. Specifically, I would like the following information:
1. The total number of nurses and healthcare assistants currently employed at each hospital, broken down by NHS Band
The Trust considers where there are fewer than five the data is exempt as disclosure increases the risk of identification and self-identification. Under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 disclosure of information should be withheld if it could lead to an individual being identified, which would be a breach of an individual’s rights under the Data Protection Act 2018. Please see attached, where there are fewer than five this has been marked as <5.
2. A further breakdown within each band to indicate the number of full-time and part-time employees where possible.
As above.
Note: Please exclude agency staff from the data wherever possible; I am only interested in employed staff.
FOI Requests
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides people with a right of access to a wide range of information held by public authorities, including the NHS.
FOI Disclosure Log
A collection of the most common FOI requests we have received and responded to.