Freedom of Information Request ID
Date of response
September 2024
1. Spending on agency staff (excluding bank staff) in 2023-24, b) the trust’s agency cap in 2023-24, and c) the trust’s agency cap for 2024-25
a) Total agency 2023/24: £8,161,319.97
b) As per NHSe cap
c) As per NHSe cap
2. The proportion and value of total agency spend in 2023-24 that was a) framework and b) off framework
a) 100% on framework
b) 0% off framework
3. a) The value of spending on medical agency staff in 2023-24, and b) the trust’s total medical workforce spend in 2023-24.
a) £2,703,265.91
b) £93,174,404.30
4. In the years 2023-24, 2022-23, 2021-22 and 2020-21, off-framework expenditure broken down by a) total for each year, b) for all staff types (eg, registered nurses, locum doctors); c) numbers of individual staff in each of these categories, and d) the total spend for each category.
No off framework spend in any of the years requested aside from 2021/23 – £1,040,18 – one individual in registered nursing
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