Freedom of Information Request ID
Date of response
May 2021
Car Leasing
- Does your organisation offer staff the ability to lease a car for private use?
If so, please provide the following information for each supplier contract:
Supplier name N/A
Contract start date (dd/mm/yy) N/A
Contract end date (dd/mm/yy) N/A
Name of framework the supplier was procured through N/A
Number of employees with a lease car in March 2021? N/A - Please provide the contact details of the individual within the organisation responsible for the car leasing contract:
Name N/A
Job title N/A - Grey Fleet (employees that drive their own cars for business)Do any employees at your organisation claim Grey Fleet mileage reimbursement? If so how may employees claimed during 19/20 (April 2019 – March 2021)?2019/20: 1,227 employees2020/21: 702 employees
- If applicable, please state the total cost to the organisation in 19/20 of paying Grey Fleet reimbursements to employees who opt not to have lease cars (excluding employee salaries) N/A
- Does your organisation have a Grey Fleet Policy? As per Agenda For Change Terms and Conditions
- In the table below, please state when your organisation last undertook the following Duty of Care checks on your grey fleet drivers?Duty of Care CheckDVLA Driving Licence Checks
Business Use Insurance Checks
Road Fund Licence Checks
The Trust can confirm that checks in place to monitor driving licence, MOT and insurance dates are held in the eExpenses system. The staff member shows the manager who confirms to us they have seen the documentation via email. Road fund licence is not held in E-expenses.
- Salary Sacrifice Benefits. For each of the following Salary Sacrifice benefits offered to staff at your organisation, please state the name of the supplier, contract start and end dates, framework the provider was procured through and number of staff using the benefit.
FOI Requests
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides people with a right of access to a wide range of information held by public authorities, including the NHS.
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