The Leadership Team

Jayne Black
Jayne Black became Chief Executive in August 2022.
Jayne joined the Trust in November 2021 as Chief Operating Officer before becoming Interim Chief Executive in June 2022.
Jayne has considerable NHS leadership experience and is a trained nurse. She has worked across acute, community and the wider system throughout her career, in a variety of roles, including Director of Operations, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer.

Alison Davis
Alison joined the Trust as Chief Medical Officer in January 2022.
Alison started her clinical career as a paediatric ophthalmologist and has worked as a consultant at Moorfields Eye Hospital, St Georges Hospital Tooting, Croydon University Hospital and as an honorary consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Alison was previously the Deputy Medical Director at Moorfields Eye Hospital and the Medical Director at Kent and Canterbury Hospital.
Alison is committed to clinical quality improvement and has been a GIRFT (Getting It Right First Time) clinical ambassador for all specialities across London and an ophthalmology national co-lead.
- Caldicott Guardian
- Research and Innovation
- Medical Education and Library
- Medico-Legal
- Medical Examiner
- Information Governance

Sarah Vaux
Sarah has worked in the NHS for more than 35 years, starting her career by training as a nurse here at Medway Maritime Hospital.
Sarah has worked as a nurse, midwife, health visitor and as a safeguarding specialist nurse locally and across the south east, before going on to hold a number of nursing executive and leadership positions.
Before joining Medway, Sarah’s most recent role was as Director of Nursing for NHS England South East Region.
- Quality
- Nursing Standards, Practice, Workforce Education
- Chaplaincy
- Safeguarding
- Volunteers
- End of Life, Dementia, Infection Control
- Governance, Risk and Legal
- Health and Safety

Nick Sinclair
Nick Sinclair was appointed Chief Operating Officer in April 2023.
Nick trained as a paramedic in Kent and specialised in trauma management and urgent care. He held several operational and educational management roles within the ambulance service.
He then moved to the acute sector leading significant improvement in emergency care standards, planned care performance and has held various senior leadership roles in operations.
He is a graduate from the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Masters in Healthcare Leadership programme and has qualified as a Service Improvement Practitioner.
Nick is driven by delivering high performing services which put the patient at the centre of what they do. He is committed to driving improvement and implementing new ways of working and maximising the benefits of technology in healthcare.
- Medicine and Emergency Care
- Surgery and Anaesthetics
- Cancer and Core Clinical Services
- Women, Children and Young People
- Central Operations
- Estates and Facilities

Simon Wombwell
Simon joined the Trust as Interim Chief Finance Officer in January 2025.
He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, with more than 30 years’ experience in NHS finance.
He has previously been a Chief Finance Officer in three NHS trusts. Before coming to Medway, Simon spent 10 years supporting NHS trusts and systems working to address their financial and operational challenges.

Leon Hinton
Leon Hinton joined the Trust in April 2017 as the Deputy Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development and became Chief People Officer in November 2018.
Leon brings a wealth of experience, having worked in a number of hospitals in the NHS. He holds Chartered Fellow status with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; a Master of Chemistry degree from the University of Warwick and postgraduate degrees in Human Resources Management (University of Wolverhampton) and Strategic Workforce Planning (University of West London).
Leon was an integral part of the leadership team at Great Ormond Street Hospital who won the Healthcare People Management Association Award in 2015 for improved HR capability.
Leon leads on the Trust’s People Strategy, which includes talent management; equality, diversity and inclusion; and ensuring we have the right skills for the future.
- Employee Relations
- Equality and Inclusion
- Resourcing
- Organisational Development
- Nursery
- Workforce Systems and Payroll
- Communications and Engagement

Gavin MacDonald
Gavin MacDonald was appointed Chief Delivery Officer in June 2023.
Gavin trained as a registered nurse in Scotland and specialised in critical care. He has held several senior management positions in England and Wales in acute hospitals, integrated care organisations and with NHS Improvement.
He is a graduate from the national chief operating officer programme and has held chief operating officer roles in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, North Wales and Kent.
He holds a Master’s degree in leadership and management, has a diploma in health emergency planning and is a quality improvement and service redesign practitioner.
Gavin is motivated by delivering quality, cost effective services for our local population, and is committed to supporting and enabling operational and clinical teams to deliver the best care in the right setting.
Transformation and Continuous Improvement
Business Planning and Performance
Business Intelligence
Information Technology
Digital transformation
Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO)
Please note: Evonne Hunt, Chief Nursing Officer, is currently on external secondment.
Non-Executive Directors

John Goulston
John became Chair of Medway NHS Foundation Trust on 1 June 2024.
He is a father of three, and has a wealth of experience working in non-executive and executive roles. He currently also chairs Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust.
John is the chair of NHS London Procurement Partnership. He was interim chair of Kent and Medway Integrated Care System (ICS) from April 2020 to November 2021.
Formerly John was chief executive of both acute and community health providers in London. He has been an executive director of NHS London, the strategic health authority for London, plus director of finance at two London teaching hospitals during his career.
As part of his role as the chair of Medway NHS Foundation Trust and of Kent Community Health, John chairs both the Medway and Swale and West Kent Health and Care Partnership Boards, and the Kent and Medway Provider Collaboration Board. He is also a member of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Partnership Joint Committee.
Much of John’s early career was in Kent, working in Maidstone during the 1980s. His daughter is a consultant geriatrician, and his wife is a community physiotherapist.

Paulette Lewis MBE
Paulette Lewis MBE was appointed as a non-executive director in November 2022.
Paulette has worked for over 35 years in a variety of healthcare settings, gaining wide experience across acute and community services. She has held several senior/executive posts, including Director of Midwifery and Children Services, Executive Director Nursing and Director of the Pan London Maternity Service Review.
Paulette is a leadership and management consultant and has spent a great deal of her time mentoring and coaching individuals to help them reach their full potential.
In 2000, Paulette received a silver award for excellence in healthcare. In 2002, her charitable and leadership work was recognised by her receiving the European Social and Humanitarian award, and she received the Zenith Global Healthcare Award as special recognition for her global healthcare work. She
Paulette was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in June 2014 for her work and contribution to nursing and charity work.
Membership of committees:
Quality Assurance Committee (Chair)
People Committee (Deputy Chair)
Nominations and Remunerations Committee
Charities Committee

Annyes Laheurte
Annyes Laheurte was appointed as non-executive director in April 2021.
Annyes has over 25 years’ experience in financial reporting together with financial planning and analysis for international organisations.
Whilst working at Lloyd’s of London, she focussed on financial controls, process enhancements and safeguarding the Society’s assets by mitigating operational risks.
Annyes is a Chartered Global Management Accountant (1991) and member of the Institute of Risk Management (2007) and was awarded specialist status in 2009.
Annyes is Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee of the British Association for Music Therapy and Treasurer of Funding For All.
In her spare time, Annyes plays the flute and is learning the cello. She is a member of a Kent Amateur Orchestra and sings with Cantium singers. Outside music, Annyes enjoys travelling and skiing.
Membership of committees:
Audit and Risk Committee (Chair)
Finance, Performance and Planning Committee (Deputy Chair)
Nominations and Remunerations Committee
Charities Committee (Chair)

Professor Mojgan Sani
Professor Mojgan Sani was appointed as non-executive director in September 2023.
Mojgan’s professional background is Chief Pharmacist, Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer, and Director of Medicines Optimisation in large, complex multi-site NHS acute hospitals. Her recent experience has been as the Corporate Director of Clinical Outcomes and Effectiveness within the NHS.
She has also served as a Trustee to the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD), and as a Public Governor to a large complex mental health NHS trust.
She is the South-East South-Central chair of the National Quality Improvement and Clinical Audit Network (NQICAN), a visiting professor at a number of universities for Medicines Optimisation and Clinical Pharmacy, and a non-executive director and Chair of the Primary Care Committee for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board.
Mojgan is passionate about the quality of clinical care offered to patients, service transformation and improved outcomes.
Membership of committees:
Audit and Risk Committee (Deputy Chair)
Quality Assurance Committee (Deputy Chair)
Nominations and Remunerations Committee
Charities Committee

Gary Lupton
Gary Lupton was appointed as non-executive director in September 2023.
Gary was the Executive Director of Estates and Facilities at the Trust from 2018 to 2022 and contributed to the Estates Strategic vision for the NHS in Medway and Swale from 2020 to 2022.
After leaving the Trust he travelled across Asia, learning about the culture and architecture. He has also provided mentoring support to a number of NHS individuals and supported Medway Estates and Facilities department through a transitional period.
Gary worked in the NHS for more than 20 years and held senior management roles in finance, cardiology, respiratory, site management and estates and facilities; prior to this he worked in banking and finance.
During his career Gary led on transformational changes in Kent and Medway, including the implementation of the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) service based at the Wiliam Harvey Hospital in Ashford and the procurement of one of the first private hospitals in the NHS.
Membership of committees:
Audit and Risk Committee
Finance, Performance and Planning Committee (Chair)
People Committee
Nominations and Remunerations Committee
Charities Committee (Deputy Chair)

Jenny Chong
Jenny Chong was appointed a non-executive director in February 2020 and Senior Independent Director in October 2024.
Jenny also sits on boards and committees of Orthopaedic Research UK, The Design Museum, Imperial College London’s Venture Mentoring Service, the Egypt Exploration Society, and the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR). She is a champion of female digital talent in the NHS through her work with The Shuri Network and NHS Innovation Accelerator. She also acts as an advisor to various start-ups in the FinTech, MedTech and social impact space.
Originally from Singapore, after graduating from the London School of Economics, Jenny embarked on a 20-year career in Investment Banking Technology, starting on the Equities trade floor. She has worked across hardware infrastructure, software engineering, program management, big data and AI. Her last corporate role was as Credit Suisse’s Global Head of Electronic Communications Surveillance, building a global regulatory compliance platform that detects potential malicious behaviour; leveraging natural language processing and deep learning to cognitively learn human context; identify patterns to create behavioural models; and detect anomalous signals.
Jenny actively promotes education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), gender equality, diversity and inclusion. She is also a recipient of the Tech Star award at the “Women in Banking and Finance Annual Awards for Achievement”.
Membership of committees:
Quality Assurance Committee
People Committee (Chair)
Nominations and Remunerations Committee (Deputy Chair)
Finance, Planning and Performance Committee
Charities Committee

Professor Jane Perry
Professor Jane Perry was appointed associate (academic) non-executive director in November 2024.
Jane is Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Health and Social Care.
Jane is a registered nurse, specialist practitioner, independent prescriber and teacher and has over 40 years’ experience in healthcare. Jane was an advanced nurse practitioner in general practice and early adopter of prescribing rights for nursing, leading the development of the role through becoming a practice educator, National prescribing Centre trainer (now part of NICE) and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Worcester, which was the beginning of a 20 year career in Education.
Jane has undertaken a number of Senior Leadership roles in Education and led numerous teams across nursing, allied health and medicine. She has held Dean roles for many years and has undertaken strategic, influential and project roles working with NHSE and the Council of Deans for Health, where she was the England Convenor for 4 years.
Jane has worked in Nurse Education for many years and has worked closely with the NMC in supporting high quality education. In her most recent role, she has worked in partnership across the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Pathway to support a brand-new nursing and midwifery curriculum that meets the needs of employers, students and patients.
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